Infant feeding
Do’s & Don’ts

Nursing Bottle Caries
Bottle Feeding- When & How
Exclusive Breast Feeding is Mandatory during the first six months of life
As much as possible bottle feeding should be avoided. In unavoidable circumstances (lack of mother feed) bottle feeding can be practised with following precautions.
1. Avoid bottle feeding to stop the baby from crying
2. Never let the child sleep with the bottle.
3. Clean the teeth/gums with clean cloth or gauze after every feed.
4.bottle feeding can be a cause for severe diarrhoea. paladai can be a better alternative to bottle feeding
Its always better NOT to introduce the bottle to a child. once the child becomes used to bottle feeding it will be difficult to break the habit.

Ammaiyappa Hospital Building Gowripuram West, Karur, Tamil Nadu 639001
Phone: 094874 85461